How Auto Insurance Concerns Will Change If We Keep Working From Home

Work-from-Home Labor Force Automobile Insurance Risk

Hopefully the end to the global health crisis is near, but not everything will go back to what it once was. For one,  there is a newfound faith that people can effectively work from home instead of the office environment. While there are a large number of commercial and homeowners insurance implications surrounding this, we’re going to take a look at how automobile insurance concerns will also change if a significant portion of the workforce stays home in the post-pandemic world.

3 Ways the Rise of the Work-from-Home Labor Force May Change Automobile Insurance Risk

Increased Risk of Vehicle Theft

With fewer professionals venturing out to commercial districts to work, more vehicles will stay parked at home. This comes with an increased risk of automobile theft. You may think the contrary, but studies show that approximately 63 percent of auto theft occurs from the victim’s place of residence. 37% of vehicles are stolen from the street outside of a victim’s home while another 19% are taken from non-commercial parking lots. With thieves coming up with new and inventive ways to steal vehicles in 2021, the risk is inflated even further.

While there are many benefits to working from home, the safety of your vehicle is not one of them. Be sure to park in a closed garage where applicable, or install lighting and security systems for your exposed carport to protect your vehicle. If you must park on the street or nearby lot, even during business hours, be sure to follow these steps to preventing break-ins and theft.

The Redistribution of Rush Hour 

With far fewer people working in commercial districts, could we be witnessing the end of rush hour? Before you celebrate, please note that any reduction in 3-5 PM traffic will be redistributed through the other business hours of the day. In the post-pandemic world professionals will still leave home to pick up supplies, attend meetings, and even work in a physical space during overlapping times as per newly flexible schedules. Instead of traffic coming to a head at one point of the day, it will spread, and as such will increase the threat of motor vehicle accidents (MVAs) during hours that are normally deemed to be less risky. While you should always drive defensively, your responsibility to do so is about to be greater.

Greater Risk of Distracted Driving

In addition to a redistribution of traffic, a remote labor force may contribute to the distracted driving epidemic. The number one cause of distracted driving in 2021 continues to be the smartphone. The problem, is that the mobile labour force’s office space is now being held in the palm of their hand. Urgent emails, calls, and SMS messages that were once intercepted in a office environment are now being checked on the fly, including when professionals are behind the wheel. You may feel as if you do not have the luxury of waiting to respond to your boss or important client until you get back home or at least arrive at a nearby cafe. In response, keep off the road during hours that superiors, customers, and clients typically communicate with you. If you must drive during these hours, use smartphone applications to set alerts to automatically let callers and senders (of IMs) know you’re operating a vehicle and cannot pick up. That said, you can’t expect everyone on the road to be as cautious as you, so follow these tips to watching out for those who still use their phones while driving.

Make sure that the benefits realized when working remotely in the post-pandemic world don’t come at the expense of road safety and liability. Update your automobile coverage today by contacting Park Insurance.

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