Travel Insurance

Spring Break Safety Tips 2019

Spring Break Safety Tips 2019

Spring break is here and all over BC households are heading out on vacation. And while it's a time to fulfill wanderlust dreams, your trip can result in inconvenience or an outright nightmare if necessary precautions aren't taken. To make sure it's more of the former,...

Health and Safety Tips for Summer Travel

Health and Safety Tips for Summer Travel

Summer is here and all over Canada households are preparing to pack up for vacation. Whether heading overseas, across the border, or hitting the open road to explore the country or your home province of Beautiful BC, you want to make sure your journey is a safe and...

5 Quick Household Insurance Tips for Winter

5 Quick Household Insurance Tips for Winter

Winter officially arrives on December 21. That's just a square on a calendar. For many dispersed about BC and the rest of Canada, the cold snap of the season has already arrived. Given the climate, the months ahead mark a busy season for the insurance industry. That's...

Insurance Safety Tips for Winter Travel

Insurance Safety Tips for Winter Travel

It’s never too soon to prepare when it comes to travel. This is especially true when making winter wanderlust plans. While the season offers amazing opportunities for you and yours to explore the country and beyond, the winter also packs a unique set of variables to...