6 Boat Safety Essentials

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When the sun starts shining, many of us look forward to trading in time on the dazzling snow for time on the sparkling water.  In BC, we are fortunate enough to enjoy spectacular recreation opportunities year round.  But, taking a few safety precautions is essential to ensuring that delight doesn’t turn into disaster on the water.  Our thanks to the Canadian Red Cross for providing some of these lifesaving tips:

1. Wear Your LifeJacket

This may seem obvious, but sadly it is commonly ignored.  Wearing and choosing the right type, size and even colour for your personal floatation device is extremely important.  Learn more . . .

2. Drive Sober

Many people think it’s okay to drink and boat … but it’s not! Drinking and boating is just as illegal as drinking and driving, and can be even more dangerous.  Learn more . . .

3. Pay Attention

Plan ahead for a fun AND safe day on the water.  Check out the following link for tips and a pre-departure checklist.  Learn more . . .

4. Bring Your Safety Equipment

Carrying the proper marine safety equipment is required by law.  But, more importantly it can literally mean life or death in an emergency situation.  Learn more . . .

5. Get Trained

Training gives you the tools to handle a variety of situations on the water.  The peace of mind that comes from being well-prepared lets you and your family more fully enjoy any time that you spend on the water this summer.  Learn more . . .

6. Get Adequate Insurance

While ensuring the physical safety of all using your boat is clearly of the upmost importance, protecting a most likely prized possession (your boat itself) also requires your consideration. Learn more . . .

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