5 Unfortunate Things That Can Happen Without Travel Insurance

Travel Insurance Stories

The Government of Canada has announced an official end to all COVID-19 border and travel measures, effective October 1/2022. Essentially a free flow of travel is allowed to and from the country’s air, land, and sea borders (normal regulations standing). As a result, BC households are expected to fly the coup in record numbers over the weeks and months to come. Amidst the excitement many will forget one of the most important steps to taking family (or other) vacations. No, it’s not forgetting to buy skip-the-line passes at Disneyland (but that is important). Instead, we’re talking about comprehensive travel insurance. If you neglect to secure adequate coverage, there are some very unfortunate events that may unfold. Here are some of them.

5 Not-So Far Fetched Things That Can Happen When You Forget to Buy Travel Insurance for Your Next Vacation

You Won’t be Able to Send Your Kids to College

Nine year old Katie was pretty excited to go horseback riding on her family vacation to Florida. Little did she know that it could have cost her a fruitful university education. An accident that resulted in a broken arm came to a whopping $191,833.14 total. Thank goodness her family purchased Tugo travel medical insurance. To keep your kids from a career in the coal mines be sure to secure Tugo travel medical coverage via Park Insurance right here.

You’ll Get Stranded in Timbuktu (or…Katmandu)

51-year old Elias was stoked to join a group of adventurous friends in Nepal to hike Mount Everest. But soon after, altitude sickness kicked him in the rear (literally) as he experienced a bout of diarrhea, nausea, and vomiting that sent him to a hospital in Katmandu. Between a mountain rescue and hospital stay he would have had to pay a total of $10,459.49 if he hadn’t added Sports & Activities Coverage to his emergency medical insurance plan. Who knew 4-days of diarrhea could cost you over $10K!? Without insurance Elias could not have afforded to return home to his family, and he would be stuck washing dishes in Katmandu until he covered his bill.

You’ll be at the Medical Mercy of a Malaysian Witch Doctor

A bomoh is a Malay shaman and traditional medicine practitioner. Or in other words, a Malaysian Witch Doctor. We’re not being facetious in this descriptor, as to this day they are enlisted to step in during emergency situations, from finding missing planes in Kuala Lumpur to helping travelers who are struck down with illnesses without the option of traditional hospital care. While being treated by one would make for a great anecdote, it’s certainly not the route you prefer to take. Just ask Canadian traveller Clara who was struck down with severe malaria in Malaysia. Because Clara purchased travel medical from Park’s trusted partner Tugo, she was stabilized in Kuala Lumpur in a proper hospital until she was able to be air evacuated back home to Canada to begin her recovery. Without coverage, she may still be in a small village, beholden to the dark magic of a Malay shaman.

You see, the right travel medical insurance coverage not only ensures that your expenses are paid for, but that you get the best care too!

You’ll Have to Eat Pre-Packaged Granola Bars on Every Exotic Vacation

Trying new foods is one of the best parts of travel. However, for one Canadian traveller and her entourage, a trip to Thailand ended in…the bathroom:

“No matter where or what you ate, or how clean you tried to stay, almost everyone fell victim to the rumbling, explosive, raging belly-demon, that infamous, nomadic, unwanted guest known as travelers’ diarrhea.”

We know that this is the second accounting from the annals of Pepto-Bismol lore on this very same article about travel insurance stories, but it’s something all travelers can relate to. It’s also relevant for family members who may have food allergies and require immediate medical attention after consuming food. Further, it validates the need to secure travel insurance so that you can eat without excessive concern, knowing that medical coverage can offer a quick solution. From there you can return to your culinary adventures:

“Most of all, remember that if you’re covered by good travel medical insurance, your visit to the doctor and medications will be covered. It would be a shame not to eat adventurously on your next trip!”

You’ll Miss Your Cousin’s Wedding (and Still Have to Pay for the Bread Maker)

The data is in, and between Air Canada and WestJet, approximately 50% of all flights had been delayed through the summer. Moreover, cancellations doubled as the industry grappled with surging demand and labor shortages. With an end to all travel restrictions landing on October 1/2022 and airline labor shortages expected to persist into 2023 the prevalence of late and cancelled flights will continue into the foreseeable future. That means the odds of missing your cousin’s winter wedding in Vegas are extremely high. That part may be acceptable, but when you’ve coughed up $2000 for your household’s non-refundable plane tickets, an additional $1000 for a non-refundable hotel stay, and another $378 for the top-of-the-line bread maker they registered for, you’re out of pocket $3,378 (plus tax). All of this to go to a wedding that you don’t even get reimbursed for via an open bar. That part is not acceptable. If only you secured travel insurance offering Trip Cancellation as a rider to international medical coverage.

This accounting of unfortunate things that can happen when you travel can be mitigated by purchasing easy and affordable travel insurance through Tugo via Park Insurance. Click here for a quote or to buy online before your next flight.

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