Commercial Insurance

Building Costs are Skyrocketing! Are You Underinsured?

Building Costs are Skyrocketing! Are You Underinsured?

BC premier, John Horgan, recently remarked that price for lumber is ‘just off the charts’! Some sources state that lumber supplies for the construction of new single-family homes have tripled over the past year! Reconstruction Costs Are Skyrocketing! What You Need to...

How to Protect Your Business from Vandalism

How to Protect Your Business from Vandalism

Whether driven by sociopolitical unrest or the random actions of malicious individuals, the concern about vandalism is always on the periphery for brick and mortar businesses. While prevention may seem out of the hands of commercial property owners there are some...

Growing Business Threats You Need to Insure Against in 2020

Growing Business Threats You Need to Insure Against in 2020

Businesses face threats from all corners and have been insuring against them for centuries, since the very first policy offering for the underwriting of commercial ventures became available. A lot has changed since then, but in addition to the variety of coverage...

How to Prevent Fraud in Your Business

How to Prevent Fraud in Your Business

March is Fraud Prevention Month in Canada, and here in BC the province has updated its own fraud resource center to make sure that residents and businesses alike have taken the necessary precautions. In fact, continuous updates to this security protocol are needed...

How to Prevent Fake Slip and Fall Claims

How to Prevent Fake Slip and Fall Claims

Unless you were hiding underground with the groundhogs last week you probably caught wind of the false slip and fall incident in New Jersey that made headlines around the world, including here in BC. Surveillance video captured a contractor blatantly staging an...

Commercial Business Risks That Increase in the Winter

Commercial Business Risks That Increase in the Winter

The winter may offer BC retailers lucrative opportunities to increase sales as seasonal shoppers walk the sidewalks of commercial districts with their wallets open. However, the time of the year also presents unique risks to brick and mortar shops, making insurance...

PIPEDA Compliance Update 2018 and Business Liability Concerns

PIPEDA Compliance Update 2018 and Business Liability Concerns

It's been a busy year in the world of cyber security. First came the EU's General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) which made landfall on Canadian soil in April, declaring that the export of personal data outside the EU falls under their law regarding data privacy...

5 Most Common Small Business Insurance Claims

5 Most Common Small Business Insurance Claims

Are you choosing the right insurance options for your small business? According to a Hartford report 40% of small businesses will file a claim in the next 10 years. Given that approximately 98 per cent (396,100 and counting) of all businesses in British Columbia are...

Why Independent Contractors and Consultants Need Insurance

Why Independent Contractors and Consultants Need Insurance

Being an independent contractor and/or consultant for a wide variety of B2B and B2C interests comes with many benefits. You get to set your own hours, work from your favourite coffee shop, apply tax deductions, decide who you work with, and for the most part you get...