Homeowners Insurance

How Homeowner Perceptions and Realities Have Changed

How Homeowner Perceptions and Realities Have Changed

This week the Government of Canada announced an end to all COVID-19 border and travel measures, effective October 1/2022. This is the final signal that the country is moving on from two of the most trying years in recorded history. Is it a return to normal? Not quite....

Does Your Insurance Company Know Your Home Has a Tenant?

Does Your Insurance Company Know Your Home Has a Tenant?

Homeowners across BC leverage their properties to do more than grow equity. For many, a home is a source of income via the long and short term rental market alike. Some rent out their entire residence and live off-premises, while others take on a tenant in a basement...

Is Your Home Halloween Ready?

Is Your Home Halloween Ready?

All Hallows' Eve is upon us. While for most households this means adding finishing touches to the exterior and topping-off candy coffers, we want to remind you to be prepared for the scariest of possibilities - a threat to your homeowners insurance! Halloween is the...

Outdoor Deck Rot – Liability Risk and Prevention

Outdoor Deck Rot – Liability Risk and Prevention

Is the deck of your BC home safe? BC has been battered with rain, sleet and snow this month. While homeowners have taken precautions to protect against water ingress and damage to the inside of their home, there is one extension that is often forgotten - outdoor decks...

The Only Home Security Checklist Challenge You Need to Take

The Only Home Security Checklist Challenge You Need to Take

Home security is a fairly robust term, encompassing your household's entire spectrum of security hardware and personal security practices. The former includes everything from doors and locks to alarm systems and lighting while the latter addresses practices such as...

How to Prepare Your Home for Winter Vacation

How to Prepare Your Home for Winter Vacation

All over BC, some households mark the arrival of winter season with a vacation. For some it’s a tropical escape, for others a ski chalet retreat, but one thing that that remains consistent for all, is a vacated home. And that, invites risk. An empty home in the winter...

How Your Credit Score Can Score You an Insurance Discount

How Your Credit Score Can Score You an Insurance Discount

The next time you visit your insurance broker, you may be provided the option of consenting to a credit check. No, your broker is not getting into the loan business. Instead, we're helping BC residents find out if they qualify for insurance discounts that they didn't...

How to Prevent Kitchen Fires

How to Prevent Kitchen Fires

While the impact of forest fires on residential communities has received a lot of press over the last couple of years, cooking is consistently the leading cause of (determined) home fires and fire related injuries in British Columbia. This risk grows with the arrival...

Homeowner Liability and Your Home Swimming Pool Safety Checklist

Homeowner Liability and Your Home Swimming Pool Safety Checklist

We've got some record breaking temperatures and hours of sun this summer in BC, and households with swimming pools are quickly becoming hot spots themselves. Friends and family members are coming out of the woodwork and neighborhood kids are joining in to make your...